
I touch fabric, pet yarn and fondle beads, sometimes inappropriately.

Friday, November 17, 2006

This week

Wow what a week.
Weds. was a half day for Kim and I had her teacher conference that afternoon.
I got nothing but good reports on her and all her teachers love having her in their classes. She is so smart. She is so far ahead of her class that she has become the classroom peer tutor and teacher assistant. Besides regular class she is in the gifted class and gets advanced work. She is also in band, gifted music and choir, and gifted art after school. She is just awesome.
Thursday I had a PTSO meeting at the school and it was a half day too.
After the meeting I got the kids and took them back to school for dinner and to conference with the middle and high school teachers. 2 kids X 6 classes each. They have 2 teachers in commons so I got 2 for 1 there and 1 has 1 teacher for 2 subjects. I got the kids sighed in fofr dinner and headed into the gym to meet with the teachers.
I get good reports from all of them about the 2 kids. I even got a few "the grades would be higher if they turned in all their work and did not miss as much class time". Meaning the C's could be A's. They both got 2 As, 2 Bs and 2 Cs.
I also had time to meet with the art teacher to get Thomas in the gifted art for the MS/HS.
Friday I went to the dr to have a check up on the pain I have been having in my side.
I have had only 2 flare ups in the last 3 months. Still waiting to get insurance and have some tests run. But the good news is I lost another 7 pounds in 2 months. That is over 30 since last Jan.
Kim also got her flu shot today so hopefully no more sick days for her. She begged for 2 weeks to get the shot.
On to knitting news:
I am almost done with the skirt I am knitting for Nicole. Just 1 more decrease and then the ruffle.
Also I have a bag that I was knitting on and I worked on it at the dr's office.
I decided to make a button hole and built in handles instead of add on. Almost finished just the handles then felting.
Well bed time for now.


  • At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay! on the grades. My daughter sounds like your two. But we have this program at the HS were they post her grades and what she is doing once a week. This is really nice exspecially cause she is stubborn and dont like to turn her work in on time. I am afraid that she is going to expect me to remind her all the time though.. Want them to get good grades or let them fail so they will learn... Ugh!

    Thank you for what you said on my blog. I am glad to know that I am not the only parent who wants to be called before they do anything. Sometimes one this is not necessary and other times he needs it..

    Have a fun weekend with your kids and happy knitting!!


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