
I touch fabric, pet yarn and fondle beads, sometimes inappropriately.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

OK my hubby and I met with the principal and the HR director last Friday. I am still not sue what they are going to do but another parent has a complaint about the teacher so maybe they will do some looking. The 3 girls may not get any discipline action for making false statements. That sucks. I am going to the school board meeting just to listen in not say anything unless I get really pissed.

Tuesday Kim came home from school all broke out in hives and we don't know why. I gave her some Benadryl and put Benadryl ointment on her. I had her sleep with me to keep an eye on her during the night. On Wednesday I kept home from school to make sure she was ok. She is doing fine and can go back to school tomorrow. I still have no idea what made her break out like that.

Even though I am not supposed to, I did some crocheting today. I can't tell you what it is because it is for a swap. I am not supposed to do any thing that uses my thumb for another 4 weeks but I can't not do anything. I have read 3 books already. I took it easy just crocheting for 1/2 hour at a time then put the brace back on for 4 hours then crochet again. I can't wait till I can knit and crochet for hours and hours again.

The knot is still there on my wrist below the thumb so time to heat then off to bed.


  • At 3:54 AM, Blogger Deneen said…

    I am sure your daughter is under tremendous stress at school with all that is going on-

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Yarn Tails said…

    I hope everything comes out ok for her. Dont over use your hand. Take it easy!

  • At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I bet its the stress of everything going on in school. Hugs to her!!

    Hugs to you too for standing by her,thats what good moms do. Take care of the hand.


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