
I touch fabric, pet yarn and fondle beads, sometimes inappropriately.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Turn on This

Thursday, May 03, 2007
Oh boy, what a week.
First I had to go to school on Monday and have my daughter removed from one of her classes. Choir class to be exact. She loves music and she loves singing, but the teacher is a jerk. On Friday Nicole was getting a headache and she was going to take her meds for migraines and he stopped her saying it was illegal for her to give herself meds at school. She has a permission slip from the Dr on file in the health room and in her back pack with her meds. She has had migraines since she was an infant and she does not like taking the preventive meds but the Excedrin Migraines work for her if she takes them at the start of a headache. He told her she could not take the meds and would not even look at the permission slip. Then he started to belittle and ridicule her in front of the other students in class. She was very upset about it and he kept it up for the rest of the class. When she got home from school she told me about it. So on Monday I went to the principal and demanded for her to be removed and that he apologizes to her in front of the class and then to my husband and me for putting her through all this. What I really want is for him to be fired for his lack of professionalism and his lack of control in the classroom. I have questioned his ability to teach music before, I never thought he could the way his past choirs always sounded. Nicole always asked me if he was teaching her the right way when she was not sure. Then she would tell him that I disagreed with what he had said. Kind of like the part in The Waterboy when he said to the teacher "but my mama always says" and she got the same kind of response. Next week is an open house day at school to celebrate our native heritage and my hubby is taking time off to be there, he wants to meet with the teacher and Principal. If things don't get straighten out I will be going to the school board. It's a good thing that Nicole is sweet and loved by her other teachers.

On Tuesday I got a call from the school resource officer and he told me that he need to talk to Nicole. Some of her so-called friends have said that Nicole told them that the above named teacher had RAPED HER. How could her best friend say something like that. Nicole talked to the Officer and the she had to talk to the principal about it. They would not tell her who her accusers are, but she knows their handwriting. One of the girls reads her journal online and she is the only one at school who does and she printed a copy of it to give to the principal. My Daughter knows how to be safe on line and did not give the school or names except the teacher as Mr. Anderson, no one online knows what school she goes to or where she lives. So this print out has details of the confrontation on it but nothing that would be linked to anyone. The three girls are in band and have the same teacher. They like him very much. I think he is a troll of a man and has no talent in music or teaching.
When I told my hubby about this his thought went to "That Bastard has turned this to save his butt" (We work with that kind all the time.) I really would not put it past him to do something like this. I mean all he has to say is Nicloe was saying that so the girls or anyone could hear it and boom TROUBLE! The girls had signed statements too.

Nicole was talking in the hall with some of her other friends between classes and the vice-principal said she was making a scene and to go the office. Nicole was not talking loud or about anything that had happened. She was kept in the office for over 3 hours not allowed to go to the restroom or even to lunch. She was not even told why she had to sit there so long either.

his afternoon is a PTSO meeting at school and I think my Hubby is going to go with me, I know he will be at school tomorrow with me almost all day. Yes we will make a scene at the Culture Day Celebration if we had to. Yesterday I told my sister about this new twist and she told Dad at dinner and he is foot-stompin mad too. Both sis and Dad will be at school too. My sis' kids go to this school too. Her son is the same age as Nicole, he knows these girls too.

I could spit nails!


  • At 2:21 PM, Blogger Deneen said…

    You should be pissed and I hope it all works out. Sounds like the band teacher used his "pull" and got the other girls to say that so the initial complaint would seem like nothing compared to this one.

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger Netter said…

    Goodness, what a mess. I would be pissed too. I hope things go well for you and you can get this straightened out. If not, threaten to write the state board of Ed and then actually do it. My Mom had to do that twice and both times she ended up getting positive results.

  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger Priscilla said…

    Thanks for the Ace in the Hole, Netter.

  • At 4:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh man this just bites. How stupid is that.
    I would be mad as hell as well.
    There is NO excuse for that kind of crap going on inside a school.

    I'd be considering a talk with a lawyer friend if you got one.
    Good luck hun.

  • At 5:25 AM, Blogger Yarn Tails said…

    I can believe this happens. There is just some idiot teachers out there that dont give a lick about anything but them selves.

    I would be STEAMING mad too!

    *HUGS* Good luck getting it all worked out.

    I hope Nicole is ok!

  • At 8:48 AM, Blogger Kare said…

    That's just terrible, Priscilla.
    I'll be thinking about you and your family.

    oh, and Happy Mother's day!


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