
I touch fabric, pet yarn and fondle beads, sometimes inappropriately.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How was your long weekend?
Mine was long, with the huby home and the kids. We did a lot of work around the house or I should say I did. I cut back all the trees and bushes from the fence line that hung over my side of the fence. That filled 2 yardwaste containers and left a pile to put in the conainers after the pick-up. Tom painted on the flatbed trailer so it will look nice, we are going to sell it when it is done. The girls did some cleaning in the house but not a lot. They got another dresser to put in their room so they sorted out the clothes they had on the floor because of no room to put them away, they are getting rid of 4 bags full. The boy mowed the yard and raked it up and then headed back to my sisters for the weekend.
Both my wrists were hurting after the yardwork so there was no crafting done till late last night. I strung a hank of beads onto crochet thread and that is all I can say on that till later. I will get pics when it is done and post after it gets recieved. I have been doing a few of them this past couple of weeks though so I might keep one for myself.
I need to get some more crochet thread to match the beads I bought. Micheals here I come.
It is going to be hot here, ok not hot as in 100's but very warm hi 70's and low 80's, this week and I am going to take this time to washout the inside of my mini-van. There has been a lot of spilled soda and such in it. I will be able to keep the windows down for a good dryout. I did this in the winter and had a hard time getting rid of the fogged up windows.


  • At 12:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    We're high 80's they are even calling for 90's by end of week, but then 70's. They are already banning outside watering in some counties here... not boding well.

    Hope your wrists feel better!

    RE your comment on my blog I have tried vit b for stress and it does help I take it with my usual dailies.

  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger Yarn Tails said…

    It is in the 90s here today. We put in the window air conditioners cause our house just gets hot and stays that way! You all were mighty busy. Take care of them wrists!


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