
I touch fabric, pet yarn and fondle beads, sometimes inappropriately.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I finished a doll

Today I finished a crochet doll and got a good start on another one.
I was thinking about getting a lug or two of peaches and doing some canning. I love to can. If it weren't for the gas prices I would love to go pick huckleberrys and make some jam from them, or freeze for cobbler later on this year. I am thinking of doing some dill pickles too.
I feel so good after I do the years canning and jams and jellies, makes me feel like I have done good for the family and it reminds me everytime I go to the cupboard and get out something out.
I need to organize my sewing I got a quilt started lone star in greens I think I would like to keep this one for myself if I ever get it done.
sort out the fabrics I got for other quilts and get them going to but for now I need to finish up on these dolls since I'll get paid for


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